Andrew Kirkaldy by Sir William Hutchison, 1929

The irascible looking Andrew Kirkaldy (1860-1934) was Professional to the R&A from 1910-1934. He was paid £1 a week and received 2/6d a round when playing with members. He had to present himself daily at the Clubhouse at 9am. On 17 February 1928, the Committee of Management “decided that the payment to Andrew Kirkcaldy of £1 per week be regarded as a pension”, thus he effectively became the Honorary Professional. He died whilst ‘in office’.

According to the minutes of 11 October 1928, “one or two Club members wished to give a portrait of Andrew Kirkaldy and the offer was accepted”. By July of the following year the painting had arrived at the Clubhouse.

The portrait featured in the 1938 Empire Exhibition in Glasgow, which was held at Bellahouston Park. Despite that summer being one of the wettest on record, the exhibition attracted twelve million visitors.